Twelve young Spaniards arrived on Monday at the Koblenz Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK). They are now embarking on a ten-week industrial…
Steuler Anlagenbau GmbH Co. KG won the order, worth over 3 million euros, from Bharat Wire Ropes Ltd. (India). It includes the engineering, supply,…
This continuous surface treatment with upstream blasting and the use of hydrochloric acid as the process solution works without producing any…
Steuler is a "healthy company". This fact has now been officially confirmed with a certificate accepted by Michael Steuler at a small ceremony.
Ernst-Barlach-Realschule Plus and Kannenbäckerland Grammar School maintain a close relationship with regional businesses.
Just in time for Christmas, the Steuler Group will live up to its name as a family-friendly business.
This year’s Steuler Group Summer Party had a double purpose. Celebrated in perfect weather, hundreds of employees enjoyed numerous surprise activities…
“Feuerfest und wasserdicht” (“Fireproof and Watertight”): this is the title of a production by SWR which is currently being filmed in Höhr-Grenzhausen…
International industrial company Steuler is active all around the world, but stays firmly rooted in the Westerwald region. Education and social…
During this year’s Westerwald Business Reception held last Thursday, exemplary companies were honoured in front of 500 guests from the business…